I suspect that some of you
reading this will think “Why talk about something as obvious as flow when
everybody in the industry understands the concept and gets it right?”
Well, believe it or not,
there’s way more to flow than people in the industry might imagine.
Only the other week, Keith
Stuart talked in The Guardian about the concept of flow as one of the reasons
people find games like Candy Crush so compelling (http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/may/21/candy-crush-angry-birds-psychology-compulsive-casual-games-mobile-flappy-birds).
When players are so
completely engaged with a game, to the extent that they don't even hear you
when you call them or acknowledge you when you talk to them, there’s a very good
chance that they’re experiencing flow in the game play. And when an individual
is experiencing flow, they’re completely fixated on the task of playing the
game, and you’ll find it pretty hard to break their concentration.
I remember late last year consulting at a large
game developers studio and the fire alarm went off - it was lunchtime and a few
employees were playing a game in the games room during their break. Despite the
piecing sound of the alarm, they didn’t even look up from their games and the
boss of the company had to literally go in and drag them out.
So you can see how flow, the state of utter
engagement in gaming, can certainly account for how compelling video game
playing can be.
A really great piece of work that I would
recommend to developers is by Boyle et al (2012) – ‘Engagement in digital entertainment games: A
systematic review’ - who initially uncovered a staggering 20,000 papers related to
engagement, and then drilled this number down to 55 key papers to review.
The authors describe flow as the most influential construct used to explain the subjective emotional experience and optimal state of pleasure experienced in video game play. They highlight how flow is actually quite a complex construct involving eight different components. They maintain that central to the concept, is that the experience is intrinsically rewarding and enables immersion in the game, and they suggest that flow as a state evokes high levels of concentration and allows the player to have a sense of control, have clearly defined goals as well as providing direct feedback.
Further to this, is the
motivation to escape the real world, because flow in gaming does offer
opportunities to carry out behaviours not possible in the real world!
Last year I was delighted to be asked to contribute to the Charlie Brooker documentary ‘How Video Games Changed the World’. In the documentary I talked about the concept of flow and this really hit home with many gamers who watched the programme. In the weeks after, I had loads of emails from gamers who were quite relieved to understand what was happening to them when they were in this almost altered state of mind, completely fixated on a game.
Following the programme a blogger posted the stills of my contribution about flow on tumblr and so far nearly 60,000 people have reblogged or commented. (http://senjukannon.tumblr.com/post/68759294958/gloriousbacon-cyber-psychologist-berni-goode) As a psychologist, what this tells me is that gamers really want to understand what’s happening to them when they’re engaged in virtual worlds and that they very much want developers to make games that enhance this state for them, as they garner immense pleasure and contentment from the experience.
Alex Meredith, Cyberpsychologist from Nottingham Trent University says "Developers can really embrace the concept of flow and incorporate it into the development of their games, within ethical parameters of course, and of particular interest is how flow impacts on motivation to play and the sense of self during game play and cathartic release.”
Last year I was delighted to be asked to contribute to the Charlie Brooker documentary ‘How Video Games Changed the World’. In the documentary I talked about the concept of flow and this really hit home with many gamers who watched the programme. In the weeks after, I had loads of emails from gamers who were quite relieved to understand what was happening to them when they were in this almost altered state of mind, completely fixated on a game.
Following the programme a blogger posted the stills of my contribution about flow on tumblr and so far nearly 60,000 people have reblogged or commented. (http://senjukannon.tumblr.com/post/68759294958/gloriousbacon-cyber-psychologist-berni-goode) As a psychologist, what this tells me is that gamers really want to understand what’s happening to them when they’re engaged in virtual worlds and that they very much want developers to make games that enhance this state for them, as they garner immense pleasure and contentment from the experience.
Alex Meredith, Cyberpsychologist from Nottingham Trent University says "Developers can really embrace the concept of flow and incorporate it into the development of their games, within ethical parameters of course, and of particular interest is how flow impacts on motivation to play and the sense of self during game play and cathartic release.”
And there’s a lot more to the concept of flow in video games that
psychologists like myself are still uncovering, I’m especially interested in
the group flow and recently saw a great presentation by Linda Kaye of Edge Hill
University who examined the extent to which group flow experiences (versus solo
flow experiences) impact on post-play positive effect. The results of her work
indicate that post-play positive effect was heightened in group flow, something
which is particularly interesting when designing for collaborative play.
At this year’s Evolve, on the first day of the Develop Conference, as
part of the psychology track, a number of leading psychologists will join me to
look at what it means to develop games that enhance this flow experience, and
together we’ll be offering some ethical take-away tips about how to build in
strategies that evoke the flow state in gamers and really heighten the gaming

Berni Good
is a psychologist who specialises in Cyberpsychology, particularly in video
games and is the founder of Cyberpsychologist Limited, www.cyberpsychologist.co.uk. This
year Berni will curate the psychology track at Evolve which will see some of
the leading psychologists and experts in the field of psychology in video games
talk and give amazing insights and tips into how to develop games incorporating
psychology to really heighten the experience for the gamer.
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